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From the Inside Out

Updated: May 26

This month’s theme at Habit Lifestyle Medicine is Setting Goals, Celebrating Milestones, and Being Productive…

You might be thinking… Glenda, plenty has already been written about setting goals…what makes you think you are going to add anything new to what I already know?

Ha, dear optimizer there are always ways to look at things with fresh lenses and to implement new ways of doing things. For instance, have you ever said to yourself on New Year’s Day – this is the year I will be, do or have X? And then one week in you have lost your mojo, got discouraged, or simply quit?

That’s because we are approaching things from the wrong viewpoint and I think it’s high time to shift that don’t you? After all, who wants to constantly feel defeated or like you will never get to the goal that you have set out to do?

We have enough external things in our life to knock us on our ass, so why add to it by giving up on ourselves internally?

I am working my way through a coaching program myself right now on goal setting. It’s awesome because I am getting a whole new perspective on what it actually takes to achieve goals (and I consider myself quite successful at goal completion- although it wasn’t always so- that’s for sure!).

There’s even a whole section of my life which I dubbed ‘The Lost Years’. A term that almost cost me the chance to see value in my past experiences- plus it didn’t do any good for my mental well-being…

The Process To Change

We are going to walk you through the process to effectively move from ‘lost’ to ‘nailing it’. This does not mean I have reached the pinnacle of my life or experience or that I am some kind of superhero goal achiever. Far from it (which is why I am getting coaching on goal setting), but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve which I will share with you.

Many people think that if they just work harder that it will happen. Many people think that in order to get what we want we have to hustle for it (and sacrifice all other aspects of their lives). Many people believe that to get anywhere, they may have to be a big jerk (because don’t they see those other high achievers being jerks or cheating or worse?).

Here’s the worst thing we buy into…that whatever we ‘failed’ at in our earlier life (or we didn’t get the outcome we really wanted) defines what we choose to go for in the future.

These ideas get in the way of our mojo. For if we have to work endlessly, believe that the outcome is predestined, hustle and sacrifice everything, or be someone no one will like…well then why would we ever set bigger and better goals for ourselves? It would seem like it’s not worth it.

Now, let’s just say that you have set a goal to have the best health you have ever had in your life…but you have no idea as to how that is going to happen and it all seems just a little overwhelming. No problemo, go get your own superhero cape and let’s get to work shall we?

For instance Optimizer, maybe these are a few of the health goals you want to accomplish…

  • Lose weight

  • Feel physically and mentally fit

  • Have more energy

Which are awesome goals, by the way. Now, let’s take those a little deeper and expand a little, because until you define the ‘inside’ of those goals- they will seem like far away dreams…

  1. You have to start knowing what having those outcomes would mean for you in your life and you must decide what kind of person you are going to be on the journey to reaching your goals. We call these being goals.

Example: In order for me to lose weight I will need to be committed. I will be courageous and I will be compassionate towards myself as I learn new things and practice new ways of doing things..

  1. Next, you must decide what you are willing to do and not do and be very specific and scheduled about those things. We call these doing goals.

Example: In order for me to feel physically and mentally fit…These are the specifics I will do: daily move my body, make the healthiest food choices I can most of the time, ask for help and get support, and prioritize caring for myself.

  1. Lastly, you want to connect with WHY these goals matter. Why stay in the game? What is worth the fight? We call these so that goals.

Example: I want my children to have abundant and healthy lives and in order for them to do that, I will need to lead by example on what is important in life to focus on so that we can all fully engage in our lives and so that at the end of my life I have NO REGRETS.

If you put all this together, you have a productive process that you can EXPAND on and which will move you towards your goals. 

You can do this!…How do I know this? Because there is huge power in being, doing, and so that goals. Here’s why:

They help you look forward (instead of backwards into your past), they help you be specific about the kind of person you want to be and how you will show up (which means you will not be a jerk), and they help you be focused about where you will place your energy and time (which will eliminate the hustle)

Time to do this yourself! Go for it! And remember to CELEBRATE your milestones (we will talk more about that in another post).

If you want help and support, we are here to help you. Our team of pro’s will guide you. Grab our free guide to Optimal Health and let’s get you rolling! Here is the link for this awesome tool…

The Six Key Habits to Optimize Your Health

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