So many unknowns. So many incredible changes. So many questions.
What we do now during this world wide pandemic will determine so much. We are all asking some big questions right now and those questions will demand answers!
What does it mean to live a vibrant life when have had to rewrite almost every aspect of our day to day existence? How can we flip what could be the biggest set back our world has seen in many decades? How can we take brave action and when we feel overwhelmed?
Let’s talk about those big questions…
It’s at such a time as this that zeroing in on our Mental Well-being is absolutely essential and ensuring we strategically taking action in each the areas that make our mental well being super strong.
We must focus on building our resilience, living purposefully, and building our relationships.
I know, I can hear you. Easier said than done, Glenda. How are we supposed to build our resilience, live with purpose and build our relationships when there is a global pandemic and much of our life has been upended?
You are not alone. The last four weeks have moved at such a pace and there’s been so much change in my own life and the lives of our team that it’s a wonder we are still standing. I’ve certainly wondered how I am still standing.
What’s made the standing possible? Or made it possible to take one day at a time and give me the courage and energy to take bold steps forward, look after my health, care for my people, and still find joy at the end of the day…
Here it is…I believe we were put here to help make things better, not worse, and that we have the power to do so. I can control a lot and its up to me to take charge of those things- especially the character I will develop through this and how I will show care for my fellow humans.
The world could still go to hell in a hand basket but we can stand strong knowing that we did our best. That no matter what, we can know that the legacy we are leaving is one we can be proud of. That’s what we want for you and we believe you can develop the skills and mindset to see you through what may come.
Our mission at Habit Lifestyle Medicine is to equip you with the physical and mental well being tools and habits that will give you a very strategic advantage during a time when we simply don’t know how it will turn out.
Here is what will STOP us from taking control of what we can:
Fears and anxieties
Expectations of rescue
Judgment and blame
Here is what will GIVE THE ADVANTAGE:
Naming your fears and anxieties. This give you power to take on a new perspective and choose a new path.
Taking as much control of our health and well-being as we can and care for our bodies and minds. No two ways about it- this builds resilience.
Adopting a generous attitude towards others when they are being irresponsible but at the exact same time role modelling to them and challenging them to a higher standard. This is inspiring and creates positive momentum.
Make every effort to be your best self- especially in your relationships. These connections will carry you through the darkest days.
None of this is easy. It could well be the fight of our lives. But, isn’t it worth it?

Ready to start the fight? Join our 21 day Power Up Health Challenge by clicking here.
Start today on building all these skills- what you learn in the 21 days is life changing- not just for you but for those you love most- and for our world-wide community. Together we can build our resilience.